Friday, August 7, 2009

Poor Ernesto Miranda

Poor Ernesto, hell, he never really had a chance. His mom died when he was six years old, and he committed his first felony at the ripe old age of sixteen. In March of 1963, Ernesto was arrested for rape, and had little insight his name would become know to every cop and most citizens. His case, you see, resulted in the so-called Miranda decision by the Supreme Court. And even though his case made him famous, he was later convicted again of rape in a subsequent trial. Although his statements to the police were thrown out, he was convicted anyway and sentenced to 20 to 30 years in prison.

When Ernesto got out of prison, he made a little spending money by autographing the local cops "Miranda" cards for a few dollars each. In 1976, poor Ernesto met his fate. It was in the La Amapola Bar in Phoenix, Arizona. Ernesto got into an argument with another patron and when Ernesto went to the men's room, his killer followed him in and stabbed him to death.

The cops arrived almost immediately and arrested his killer. It was then the irony became clear to all when Ernesto Miranda's killer was placed in custody for murder......... and his "Miranda rights" were read to him.

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