Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I know,this does not concern criminal procedure, does concern the Constitution! So, that is close, I guess. NEWS FLASH: Obamacare law ruled unconstitutional! Yes, I know, everyone is saying the SCOTUS held the law constitutional. Well, they actually did...and they did not. The bottom line is the law stands as to a individual mandate that those who don't have health insurance must pay a "tax" up to the level of the cost of insurance. The court rejected that Congress has this power under the Commerce Clause...This is huge. The decision in effect says the the federal government does not have the power to compel an individual to engage in commerce. Had the court found the mandate constitutional under the Commerce Clause, then as one justice put it, they can force you to eat vegatables!. The court noted that prior court decisions mandates that if there is a "reasonable" way to find an act of Congress constitutional, it is required to do so. So, to that end, the majority held that Congress has the power to tax and, irrespecive of the language in the law that the mandate is a "penalty", it is really a tax. Hell, the law orders and funds the hiring of 1600 new IRS agents to collect the money.....sounds like a tax to me. So, if viewed as a "tax", the individual mandate is very, very narrowly constitutional. The big deal of ObamaCare was what it did to the Medicaid program. This was the universal healthcare part of the law. ObamaCare would have changed the rules for who would be eligible for Medicaid. Currently, only the elderly, children, disabled, etc. who are at a fraction of the federal poverty level are eligible. ObamaCare mandates that EVERYONE who is at 133% or less of the federal poverty level is eligible for free health care!!! The cost a mere 3.3 trillion dollars over ten years. And here is the kicker, if the states don't enact the new provisions, the feds pull every dollar of Medicaid money sent to the state. The SCOTUS said, NO..... that is the federal government taking over the states. That is not an enducement, as Justice Roberts said, that's "a gun to the head". Unconstitutional. States are now free to decide if they want a huge new federal health care program or not, and if the decide no, then the existing medicaid program continues. This was the real meat of the law and it was found unconstitutional. The attention the individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a "tax" got all the attention, but the real impact would have come from this 3.3 trillion dollar part of the law. The above is an oversimplified version of the decision. Unlike most, I have read the entire decision. What is the result?. Well, November 2012 will be critical. Those who support socialized health care call the decision a "big win". If you boil it down, the decision is not much of a win at all, and the limitations on the Commerce Clause which come out of this decision makesit pretty clear you are not going to federal prison if you refuse to eat your vegatables.

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